We are delighted to share that Dr. Michael Hans & Associates ("MHANSLaw") has once again been included in Hukumonline's Practice Leader Directory for the second consecutive year. Our specialties are featured in all four Elite categories, with Intellectual Property and Technology, Telecoms, Media and Internet highlighted as our top services in the Elite I category. Additionally, our other services are ranked in the Elite II, Elite III, and Elite IV categories across various sectors.
We give our appreciation for @hukum_online @hukumonlineawards and a sincere thank you to our valued clients and dedicated team that has always supported us throughout our journey 🥳
#MHANSLaw #Hukumonline #HukumonlineTop100 #Hukumonline2024 #PenghargaanHukum #Hukum #LawFirmIndonesia #KantorHukumIndonesia #PracticeLeaders #HukumonlinePracticeLeaders