On February 29, 2024, Dr. Michael Hans, Principal Attorney at @MHANSLaw and Founder of @brand.advice, was invited by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights East Java Regional Office (Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan HAM Jawa Timur) to deliver a seminar about "The Prevention of Intellectual Property Rights Product Violations in Marketing Products via E-Commerce" seminar at Oakwood Hotel & Residence Surabaya.
During the session, Dr. Hans explained the ways business owners can prevent Intellectual Property (IP) violations. Dr. Hans also provided solutions in handling IP disputes that might occur when running an online business.
Thank you KEMENKUMHAM Jatim and fellow speakers, Mr. Ilham Shidqi Nurrahmadi as Tokopedia’s Public Policy and Government Relations, and Mr. Gatot Suharto, S.H. as Head of the Intellectual Property Subdivision Services of The East Java Regional Office, for this opportunity.
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